Who We Are

Hay Animal Rescue Team (HART) was started in January 2022 by two Beckys! Both have a background in animal care, rescue and advice for domestic, farm, feral and wild animals. Unfortunately due to ill health one of the Becky’s had to step down and in her place India & Mark stepped in as Trustees with Becky T.

The main aim of HART is to provide a lifeline for people who have an animal in need. That might be an unexpected litter of feral kittens in a barn, a red kite that has crash-landed, a fledgeling housemartin that needs putting back in its nest or a boisterous terrier that needs to find his active forever home!

In the first nine months of operation, HART took in over 80 cats and kittens, as well as a number of dogs and wild animals and has spent over £4,000 in vet bills alone. On top of that, the food bill has been around £300 a month.

Donations have been wonderful: there is a HART drop box in the local Co-op in Hay-on-Wye as well as Kington. We have drop off locations in Brecon, Hereford, Clehonger, Leominster and Weobley as well.

The Just Giving campaigns run have also generated some much-needed financial support.

BUT... HART still needs your help, ongoing and all year round. Perhaps you could afford a couple of pounds a month? Drop us a message for our bank details. A one-off donation would be amazing, again you can request our bank details or send money by PayPal using howaar22@gmail.com (use the 'Friends & Family' option).

Please note we are in the process of registering as a Charity and for Gift Aid