ADOPTION FORM FOR DOGS AND PUPPIES Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone number * Date of Birth * Number of adults in household (Names and ages) * Number of children in household and ages * Current Pets (Species, Ages, breed, neutered?) * What animals have you owned previously? (please include breeds and relevant experience) * What type of property do you live in? (House/Flat/Other) * Is your home rented, owned by you or the council? * Do you have a garden and is it fully fenced? (Please describe size and height of fences) Do you live near a busy road or trainline? (Please give details) * Employment (Please describe your typical work pattern) * What arrangements will you make for the dog if you go on holiday or will they go with you? Do you have any holidays booked in the next few months?) * Why do you want to adopt a dog/puppy? * Does anyone in the household suffer with allergies? * Name and address of your current veterinary practise * Have you seen a specific dog/puppy you are interested in? * Do you have a preference on age, sex, breed colour? * Extra information: How often would they be walked per day? Would they go out and about with you? (Is your car suitable) What would their social life be like (Dogs and people) * Thank you! a member of our HART team will review your application and be in contact if you are successful.