ADOPTION FORM FOR OTHER ANIMALS Name First Name Last Name Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone number * Email * Date of Birth * Household Adults (Names and ages) * Number of children and ages * Current pets (Species, breeds, ages, neutered?) * What animals have you owned previously ? (Species, and breed) * Property type- House/Flat/other * Is your home rented or owned by you or the council? * Do you have a garden and is it fully fenced? * Employment- Typical work pattern * What arrangments would you make for the rabbit while you are on holiday? * Will the rabbit have outside access? * Are you aware of the costs involved in keeping a rabbit? * Does anyone in the household struggle with allergies? * Name and address of current veterinary practise * Please specify if you have a preference (age, gender, colour) * Have you seen a specific rabbit you would like to adopt? * Please tell us a bit about the life you can offer a rabbit? Thank you!